Message to university sector members from the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive
January 31, 2022
To the university sector members of OSSTF/FEESO
Over the coming weeks, Ontario Universities are returning to various forms of in-person work and/or learning, and we want you to know your union is here to support you as you face uncertain days and weeks ahead. Our membership is diverse, and so are the work environments at each of your respective post-secondary campuses.
University students and faculty continue to receive the support and services they need throughout the pandemic because of your dedication. Universities continue to function because of your work and commitment to education.
Many members are feeling nervous and frustrated in light of the provincial government’s actions and inaction throughout the pandemic. We want you to know that amidst this chaotic response, your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of colleagues, students and families, continues to be OSSTF/FEESO’s priority.
As in the past few years, we continue to be a trusted voice advocating for workers, students, communities, schools, and campuses. Your efforts and our collective strength will be critical over the next year. Please continue to seek out assistance and support from your local leaders.
We know the rest of the academic term will be a difficult time for all university sector members, their institutions, and the students they serve. Together, as a united membership, with your dedicated local leaders, we will overcome the challenges that lay ahead.