

Committees are a great way to contribute to the efficient operation of an organization. They enhance communication, inform leadership to improve decision-making, and encourage more involvement amongst the membership. The Wilfrid Laurier University Staff Association (WLUSA) is proud to host internal committees and be a part of joint committees with the University to better serve its Members.

Open call emails for internal committees are sent to Members in September. Internal committee seats are not capped and we are always accepting applications – get involved, share your ideas, and shape the future of our Association. Open call emails for joint committees are sent to Members when vacancies become available. Applications are evaluated by the Executive and committee members are chosen with an aim to achieve diversity in opinion and experience to best serve our membership.

If you are interested in joining an internal committee, or being considered for a joint committee, you can send an email to and include your name, department, the committee you are interested in, and 4-5 sentences outlining why you would like to join.

Internal Committees

Table Team – Bargaining 2026
Currently inactive until 2026

What We Do
The committee represents Members in the preparation of negotiations with the University for ratifying each Collective Agreement

Tracy Cochrane (Co-Chair)
Lauren Bourdages (Co-Chair)
Doug Roberts
Heather Lambert
Karen Cleaver

What We Do
The committee communicates relevant social and educational issues to WLUSA Members through digital engagement platforms. We promote the importance of WLUSA and unions to the external community. We promote pride and participation of Members in protecting and enhancing quality service to student, staff, and faculty of the University.

Keith Goulet (Chair)
Jennifer Drowns
Sandy Krall
Jayne Eudemoni
Linn Huemiller
Tyler McKone

What We Do
The committee meets quarterly to review the annual budget and WLUSA investments. The committee promotes financial responsibility by providing recommendations and guidance to the Executive

Karen Cleaver (Chair)
Siobhan Bhagwat
Julie Lewis
Mike Roussel
Sara Dhooma
Heather Lambert

What We Do
The Social Committee plans and executes social events to help WLUSA build community and promote a culture of belonging, engagement, and fun

Jennifer Williams (Chair)
Karen Cleaver
Heather Lambert
Maia Desjardins
Sylvia Hoang

What We Do
The Status of Women Committee recommends to the WLUSA Executive research and educational programs designed to promote equality of opportunity with specific reference to women Members. We also strive to encourage and promote respect for the rights and the diverse needs of all Members with respect to their personal and family obligations

Joint Committees

Jayne Kelso (November 2018) – (Co-Chair)
Linda Chamberlain (January 2013)
Ron Daniels (December 2020)

What We Do
The Joint Health and Safety Committee is an advisory group of worker and management representatives that ensures workplace inspections are conducted monthly, identifies situations that may be a source of hazard or danger, and makes recommendations for the improvement of health and safety to the Laurier community

Steering Committee Members
Kelly Brown (co-Chair)
Keith Goulet

Evaluation Committee Members
Hillary Beaudry, Lazaridis School of Business and Economics (October 2017)
Tracy Cochrane, Recruitment and Admissions (March 2015)
Jane Davidson, Faculty of Science (October 2014)
Roberta Ellington, Library (October 2019)
Jane Fridrich, Accessible Learning (October 2014)
Heather Gaffney, Teaching and Learning (October 2019)
Suzanne Gall, Development and Alumni Relations (October 2014)
Diane Litt, OneCard (October 2017)

What We Do
The Steering Committee oversees the effective maintenance of the WLUSA Job Evaluation and Pay Equity system ensuring the process is administered in a fair and equitable manner in accordance with the Job Evaluation Plan and Pay Equity Act.

The Evaluation Committee evaluates jobs in a fair and consistent manner using the Joint Job Evaluation System, providing a systematic, gender-neutral means to determine the relative relationship among jobs in the WLUSA bargaining unit

Karen Cleaver (non-voting; chair of committee)
Michlynn Schweitzer  (non-voting; administrative support)
Lauren Bourdages (WLUSA representative)
Florence Bray (WLUSA representative)

Jill Reiner (HR representative)
June Perry (Management representative)

What We Do
The committee is responsible for reviewing and approving applications to the Professional Development Fund. The committee will meet monthly to review applications as required.

WLUSA Education Services Officer – Lauren Bourdages – Standing Membership (role-based) (Co-Chair) 
Acting Siobhan Bhagwat – Standing Membership (role-based) (co-Chair) (on leave)

Director, Talent and Organizational Development – Jill Reiner – Standing Membership (role-based)
University Rep (Talent & OD Specialist) – Brianne Hollingsworth – Standing Membership (role-based)
University Rep – vacant – June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2025

WLUSA Rep – Tammy Rowe – June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2025
WLUSA Rep – Sandra Dalpe – June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2025

What We Do
The Joint Staff Development Committee is an opportunity for WLUSA Members and the Talent and Organizational Development department to come together tri-annually to discuss learning and development needs of WLUSA Members