Message to members from the OSSTF/FEESO Provincial Executive
June 3, 2022
Dear OSSTF/FEESO Members,
Yesterday, the Progressive Conservative Party led by Doug Ford won another four-year majority. Though the results did not bring Ontario an education-friendly government, we are filled with pride as throughout the election campaign we saw local leaders and organizers reach new levels of engagement and we are deeply thankful for all your hard work. Each vote, donation, and hour of volunteering made a difference for us as education workers, for the students we serve, and for your local community.
We reached more people and more candidates than ever before, and this matters for our long-term future. We endorsed over 90 candidates and early results show that 37 of them were elected yesterday. All of them are strong advocates and education-friendly leaders we can count on at Queen’s Park.
Many other aspects of this election fill us with hope, especially as we come together and prepare for the next round of bargaining. The majority of voters in Ontario, 53%, did not vote for the Conservatives and instead voted for the three opposition parties who all ran on making major investments in education, lowering class sizes, improving supports for students, and prioritizing people and communities over profits. The people of Ontario overwhelmingly support public education and do not want to see cuts made or an expansion of privatization of education. Yesterday’s election results confirm the level of public support for investing in our public education system.
Our fight is not over. Now, more than ever, we need to remain focused on our most important goals: protecting our rights as workers and strengthening the public education system in Ontario
.Let us celebrate how far we have come and know that together, we can make a difference.
In solidarity,