The Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) is a strong, independent, socially active union that promotes and advances the cause of public education and the rights of students, educators and educational workers. OSSTF represents almost 60,000 public high school teachers, occasional teachers and support staff workers in all levels of education from elementary to postsecondary.
Founded in 1919, OSSTF works to build strong public services, preserve academic freedom, and prevent the privatization and commercialization of our educational institutions. While establishing equitable and respectful working conditions for its Members, OSSTF promotes an education system that provides an equitable opportunity for all students to receive an education free of bias and discrimination, and supports student success in a strong, well-funded public education system.
“Ne sibi quisque consulat, sed inter nos auxillio simus.”
– Let us not take thought for our separate interests, but let us help one another.
I solemnly dedicate myself to promote and address the cause of education.
I will strive to achieve and maintain the highest degree of professional competence and will always uphold the honour, dignity, and ethical standards of my profession.
I pledge my loyalty and support to the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation and will comply with the Constitution, Bylaws, policies and established practices which govern its members.