Council of Representatives
The Council of Representatives is the body that represents you as a member and liaises with the Executive on your behalf. Each building has a Local Council Representative and these representatives meet monthly with the Executive to discuss issues and share information. Your Local Council Representative is your first point of contact for anything union-related. They will help you bring any concerns or issues you are having forward, and they will share information they get from meetings.
Duties of a Local Council Representative
- Attend monthly meetings (1st Thursday of the month at Noon)
- Communicate regularly with members in your coverage area
- Pass on information from Council meetings to members in your coverage area
- Bring concerns from members in your coverage area to Council meetings
- Vote on motions in Council meetings on behalf of the members in your coverage area
Local Council Representatives
Bricker Academic Building
Bruce Alexander, Faculty of Education Field Experience Officer
Lazaridis Hall
Bethany Ankucza, Program Advisor (Undergraduate)
Schlegel Building
Tracy Cochrane, Admissions Coordinator
Residence Buildings
Charlie Dunsmuir, Residence Life Area Coordinator
Balsillie School of International Affairs
Jennifer Dufton, Library Collections Maintenance Coordinator
Lyle S. Hallman Faculty of Social Work (Kitchener)
Roberta Ellington, User and Access Services Associate (Library)
Heather Lambert, Graduate Admissions Coordinator (Faculty of Social Work)
Aird Centre
Athletic Complex
Kathy Gauci, Academic Advisor and Auditions Coordinator (Music)
Dr. Alvin Woods Building (DAWB)
Sylvia Hoang, Office Administration Coordinator (Communication Studies)
Alumni Hall
Sandra Krall, Gift Processing and Records Administrator
Science Building
Science Research Building
Emily McConnell, Laboratory Technician (Biology)
Fred Nichols Campus Centre
Wendy Rittinger, Shipper/Receiver (Order Fufillment) Bookstore
Indigenous Student Centre
Melanie Ross, Copyright and Reserves Associate (Library)
202 Regina St.
James Weber, Microsoft 365 Architect
Career Development Centre
Bethany Correia, Office Administration Coordinator (Career Centre)
Northdale Building
Vacant – contact if you’re interested in volunteering.
Frank C. Peters Building
Vacant – contact if you’re interested in volunteering.
Arts C Wing
Arts E Wing
Vacant – contact if you’re interested in volunteering.
Laurier International
Vacant – contact if you’re interested in volunteering.